
Learn More About The Crib

Developing youth in your community
to be the best and live their dreams.

What We Offer

We offer a number of services including workshops, Generic sessions in and around Hackney, all of our key-workers and facilitators have up to date DBSs . For more information on how to book the workshops below in your Youth Club, Schools, college or pupil referral units, please go to contact us page.

Youth Work At The Crib

The Crib project have run youth work sessions in and around Hackney for 20 years, supporting the development of our youth. All our youth work staff are DBS checked and have relevant training in safeguarding, Personal experiences of growing up in inner city London, mentoring and specific areas of expertise to help support our young people to develop.

To us at The Crib Youth work is not just about having the right ratio of adults to young people to ensure we are covering the numerous health and safety standards, or to tick boxes but to ensure young people have a safe family like environment to hang out in.

Our organisation has a youth-based approach ensuring that all delivery is developed through consultation with those who attend. We provide Adult/youth mentors who can encourage the younger band of people (10-16) who come tour sessions to attend school (Get help with homework if needed), engage with others and to feel comfortable to discuss issues they may have and find difficult to discuss with the adults around them, as well as enjoy playing pool, table tennis and other games. We run sessions alongside these like fashion, cooking, and Dance classes to give young people the opportunity to take part in free sessions they may be interested in. Going to youth club for some young people is a chance to just chill and have a bit of fun after school before returning home.

A number of young people have parents who maybe at work so there is no one to welcome you after school. Therefore, the environment we create in our organisations is very important. as budding entrepreneurs, we have referred these young people on to the right organisation that can help develop these areas as well as have them take part in any form of enterprising initiatives we may be running. This has been successful in the past with some of the young people we work with going on to develop their own business.

Our older band of people(16-21) and those in the NEET or targeted groups are given advice and guidance to move on and develop their attributes and encourage them to use them . For examples we often come across young people whom are budding entrepreneurs. We have referred these young people on to the right organisation that can help develop these areas as well as have them take part in any form of enterprising initiatives we may be running. This has been successful in the past with some of the young people we work with going on to develop their own business.

Wrap Around

Wrap around services are good for those young people whom may be in target groups for example gang involvement, NEET, at risk of offending and Those who are unable to read and write to standard that will help them gain employment or further education.

For these young people we provide all of the above as well as the opportunity to take part in our sessions such as Trading places, consequences and our Knife awareness projects.

A lot of these young people will learn to become facilitators and have the opportunity to become part of our volunteer or training schemes. They are also referred on to other organisations who provide apprenticeship schemes to help them get on the road to employment or further education classes for Literacy and Maths.

Some of these young people need advocacy for court hearings or probation, Which is also provided.

At Crib we feel every child/ young person matters no one is past helping some just need that one person they feel they can communicate with on a not so formal level to encourage their own personal development.

As young people get older we help with CVs, form filling, housing information as well as things that we may all think are easy like opening a bank account or money management for when you go off into the wide world.

We also provide in the wrap around service support for our Parents who are finding it difficult to deal with their Children’s/ young adult’s behaviour. For them we provide a youth worker whom they can get advice and guidance from, they also maybe referred to other organisations that provide short sessions for parents to attend to gain more understanding of how to deal with unwanted behaviour.  

Residential Impact

Residential trips for our young people are always about extension and developing team skills, through life being a team player is a lesson we will all need to learn and one that will benefit our young people when they move onto work .

The residential which are provided by outside organisations such as Stubbers and funded by the cribs funders are also an opportunity for those who do not get to go out of their boroughs or whose parents are not in a position to pay for school trips.

During our 3 day 2 night weekends away or half term trips the young people will do numerous outdoor activities such as canoeing, Tunnelling, banana boating , rock climbing and the numerous other activities we at Crib provide in the evenings.

Young people who are registered with The Crib and who are doing well at school, college will get the first places. Awarding good behaviour is paramount as some young people feel the attention from unwanted behaviour is rewarded more in schools.

We have also use the residential as a tool to bring groups of young people whom are deemed not to be able to mix, to come together with out outside influence to work as teams. This does have an elements of risk attached to it but assessments and guidelines are covered before trips and surprisingly enough the sessions( Funded by The Met police and young hackney) we have done like this have been successful. Ok they are not best friends but issues are resolved so when they go back to their areas the tension between groups isn’t as bad.

Young people just need mutual ground sometimes to deal with issues rather than other peers or orders fuelling situations.


All of the above would not be possible if not for our Funders who we must thank for their funding throughout the years to provide such services for our young people and for the funding we hope to get in years to come.

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