Parents Voice
Developing youth in your community
to be the best and live their dreams.
Parents Voice
Parent’s voice was established in 2015 as a way of supporting parents/Carers in regard on how to spot the signs of risky behaviour. Significant changes were made in 2017, after evaluation the introduction of a boundaries and Transition session as well as support around social media and more recently self-harm addressing the types of harm, an issue highlighted due to lockdown have been developed.
These sessions continue to help support Parents/ Carers as their Children transition through life from primary to secondary and through adolescence. Supporting the understanding of cultural differences for Parents/ Carers who find themselves in a western society as well as those Parents/Carers who try to get to grips with ever changing youth culture.
Parents voice support the understanding of significant changes our children will go through emotionally and physically as they grow and develop into young adults.
Our facilitators come from an academic and grassroots background with 20+ years’ experience of working with children and families from diverse backgrounds, along with those who need additional support, pan London.
Sessions are delivered both face to face and virtually please contact
What We Offer
Raising children in the 21 st century can be a difficult task for a number of Parents/ Carers with the increased risks that youth culture can hold. Parents voice is a prevention and early intervention initiative developed to help support Parents/ Carers with the knowledge and understanding in regard to how to Spot the signs of risky behaviours and how best to safeguard your child. Parent’s voice delivers in Schools, Youth groups and community centres pan London. Guest speakers from relevant organisations are also invited to give a deeper insight to fundamental areas of risk.
Risky behaviours include:
Gangs affiliation
Sexual exploitation/ Grooming
Domestic Abuse/violent relationship
Mental health and or the risks of cannabis (super skunk) and substance misuse?
Additional sessions include:
Boundaries and Transition
Understanding social media
Admissions and Exclusion (Guest speaker)
Parents voice pride themselves on creating a non judgemental space and listening environment that all are welcome to attend. If a risk is highlighted during sessions, referrals can be made.
Gand affiliation and sessions on Transition and boundaries are the most popular sessions delivered by PV in and around Hackney.
Parents voice have had the pleasure of working with Community groups.
- MET Police
- Integrated Gangs unit
- Community organisations, parent groups and TRAs
- Statutory Organisations
Supporting development on Parental strategies to help support Parents/Carers.
Boroughs of delivery
- Hackney
- Islington
- Camden
- Kensington and Chelsea
- Hammersmith and Fulham
- In 2018 and 2019 Parents Voice had the pleasure of delivering at the Italian home office in Rome and roundtable discussions in Naples to local authority and VCS in regards to.
Parental Feedback
- K.Reid
Be a good reflection for them."
-K. Heath
Our Work in Action
Delivery of Gangs affiliation session alongside Hackney Gangs unit ( 2019 )
Kelly Reid director and lead facilitator PV (Hackney post ,2018)